The Ancient Greeks Had Two Words for Time:



The Ancient Greeks had two words for time:

  1. Chronos = sequential, quantitative time
  2. Kairos = fluctuating, qualitative time
    Chronos refers to time as we usually mean it: a sequence of equal parts.
    There are twenty four hours in a day and each hour is the same length of time.
    It's what a clock measures.
    Kairos refers to the way in which certain moments are more important or influential than others.
    A clock can't measure that, but it's undeniable that a handful of particular moments play a much more significant role than the mass of other moments which make up our lives. (via)

Try thinking about your day in terms of kairos, not chronos.
Which moments are the most important? Which moments are the most useful? Which moments give you an opportunity to do something consequential?
Focus on them. Use them when they arrive. (via)