Rick Glassman, Is God Not Cool in Comedy? | Ep 1 | Soul Boom

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hRycPqF-Tc


I feel like sometimes love is a choice and sometimes it's not...
And when it feels like it's not a choice, it's because this person makes me feel like... i don't know, like we've met in a previous life — it makes me feel like I love them.
I don't know how much of that is ego — like I only love them because they make me feel good. That feels a little cheap.
But something that everybody in my family has in common is they make me feel good. Is that why I love them? (via)

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I would say the challenge is can you and me, in our lives, expand that definition of family? Can it be a slightly larger circle? (via)

does that mean something that's actionable for example
I'm going to help these people uh find a home or does that mean because that is something that you could control but you're only doing that might you be doing that because of the challenge you set for yourself and at what point does that challenge then bring in that feeling of I'm not doing it because I want to I'm doing it because it's real (via)

there's a difference between the actionability and the feeling (via)

I hate the idea of speaking for autism as opposed to speaking to my experiences which relate to autism when it does (via)

The number one tool for communication in a relationship is the phrase "that didn't feel good, what's your intent?" (via)

Masking is not always a conscious decision, but it does become part of who you are. (via)

the fundamental version of it is like hello how are you feeling today it's pretty tough out it's pretty tough outside sometimes you know it's like saying things that maybe you believe may you just you're just doing the things that people do and you're do sometimes you do it so much that that is your life now you it's all everything is just a mask and it's the most draining thing you don't even want to interact with also you're not fooling anybody (via)

change doesn't have to be a behavioral change — it could be acceptance of a limitation, or acceptance of who or what you are (via)

Are you listening to me? Or are you wanting me to feel listened to? And I have no idea, and that's one of those calculations that I say keeps me from being present. (via)

I cannot control and I will never know how people feel about me and it made it easier to accept “oh this is just what it is”, not saying “fuck you, I don't care what you think” but just… “this is what it is” (via)

What has come out the other end, and was helped me with the depressive state of not knowing how people feel about me, is realising that the only thing I could do is be honest, and the best way of being honest is being in touch with how I feel. (via)

What you're talking about is a transformational philosophical, psychological, and spiritual change. Like, I am going to now live my life in integrity and honesty and communication and learn about the internal environment and atmosphere and terrain of my emotions and communicate my wants and needs. (via)