Patton Oswalt | Blocks Podcast W/ Neal Brennan


everything changes you.
even a lack of an experience, even a lack of an incident that would change you can end up changing you — because it can calcify you, and you can become an even more frozen version of what you are earlier that's a form of change. (via)

I would hope that people would open themselves up to as big a version of the canvas of life as they could possibly get. Experience as much stuff as you can — the good and the bad. (via)

I was operating out of panic rather than out of confidence (via)

I did not know how much grief felt like terror (via)

that's a good phrase: "you are the best person to be mundane with" — that's when you know you found the perfect person (via)

it's so much more rewarding when you are aggressively, zealously supporting someone else's work and trying to make sure that they're doing better (via)

it took me a while to realize this: just know that you're not going to have the one epiphany that changes you forever
It's something you got to show up for every day, and some days you're not going to show up and you're going to say "I wasted that day". It's okay. Be present, acknowledge it, show up the next day and the next day. (via)